This version of our Foundation Course in Medicines Administration for Care Homes is accredited by the Royal College of Nursing and we are an endorsed learning provider for Skills for Care. It is suitable for nurses, but can also be taken by care staff who require a more in depth foundation course. It teaches how to administer medicines in a systematic way against our competence checklist that has been refined on an ongoing basis from our research into why medication errors occur, thereby reducing the risk of errors made through complacency. It is based on our face-to-face workshop that has been shown to reduce medication errors by 36% in a study by Hampshire County Council. There are 16 modules in total.
The Virtual Medicines Round online module assesses a person’s competence at checking the five rights of medicines administration. It satisfies requirements from the CQC and NICE for an annual update of the knowledge skills and competencies needed to administer medication. The learner is presented with a number of medicines and their corresponding medicines administration record (MAR) entries. The learner must state whether they would administer the medicine or if not, what is wrong with it.